Finding Hope Blog Tour

Title: Finding Hope

Author: Krystal Shannan

Series: Pool of Souls (#2)

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Publisher:  Self Published

Release Date: March 10

Edition/Formats Available In:  E~Book

Number of Pages: 185


Warning: The plot thickens with a passel of pissed off Olympians, but Ares and Aphrodite are in for a double dose of trouble! More Olympians join the mix in Finding Hope: Pool of Souls Book 2. A jewel addict, a kick-ass possibly-virgin huntress, and an insatiable ancient oracle are just a few. But don’t worry; Ares and Aphrodite are still front and center.

Addison Connelly has given up on men. She is disappointed yet again when her best friend tries to play matchmaker, and the match falls flat…or does it? Her friend knows all Addison needs is a chance, a little hope, and maybe a dropkick in the right direction. With an extra push from Aphrodite, will this lonely soul learn to trust again? Or will she run from the only man who could make her happy?

Adrian Colter, Nashville Police Detective and certifiable bachelor, puts his foot in his mouth in a big way when his roommate’s fiancé tries to match him up with her best friend. After making a horrible first impression, can he earn the trust of a woman who won’t speak a civil word to him?

Adrian isn’t the only one trying to earn the trust of a beautiful woman. While Ares fights to rebuild the trust he lost thousands of years ago with the Goddess of Love, his parents do what they do best —show off their greed and selfishness. Will he find the hope and forgiveness he so desperate seeks or will his parents destroy his chance at happiness?


The hairs on Aphrodite’s arms tingled.  She could sense his essence in her palace. It reached for hers. Besides Dionysus, Ares was the only other Olympian with a pass through the wards to enter her palace uninvited.

Sure enough, moments later, Ares came strolling into her bedroom.  She turned from the window where she’d been staring out into the garden. Since the strange feeling she’d gotten the other day, she had kept a very close watch on the garden. Her wards were in place, but still she worried over them as a mother worries over her children.

Ares slid his hands down her shoulders, along her arms, and came to a stop on either hip.  He pulled her against his hard, muscled chest, his erection hot and throbbing against the small of her back.

Gods, she had missed him.  He had been off Olympus for almost three weeks. Her body trembled in response, and white tendrils of her essence crept outward to intertwine with his red.

“I have missed you, Ditee.” His voice rumbled low in his chest.

Red tendrils of his essence began weaving through hers, entwining around her body. It was like wearing a full body vibrator –if one could imagine such a thing.

She twisted in his grasp to face him and draped her arms around his neck. He bent down and took her mouth. His tongue danced with hers. He tasted of sandalwood and spice. She pulled away and looked up into his brown eyes. Flecks of red glowed brightly in the irises.  At the height of passion they would change completely to a brilliant crimson, just as her blue eyes would chance to an iridescent white. In that one moment, the moment of ecstasy, a god was vulnerable and unguarded, their essence could blend, linking them forever. But the risk was worth the pleasure of the reward. True ecstasy was difficult to find as an immortal or human.

My Review:

In the spirit of full disclosure I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I enjoyed watching Ares and Aphrodite’s relationship strengthen. The story line with them in it was a nice addition. Addison and Adrian’s story was cute. I’m happy that he was there for her when she needed him the most. I noticed several small errors as I read, but they weren’t enough to completely draw me out of the story. Those who enjoyed Open House, will undoubtedly enjoy Finding Hope. The characters are life-like, the plots have many unexpected twists. The descriptions of Hera and Zeus were refreshing. Nothing like you’d expect.

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About the Author:


Krystal Shannan is a born, raised, and current TEXAN. She is married to a wonderful man who supports her dream of writing and allows her to spend many evening and weekend hours glued to her laptop. During the day she moonlights as an elementary music teacher. In addition to a doting husband, a young daughter is also part of the picture and keeps her hopping! An ornery little Welsh Corgi completes the household.

Krystal has been writing stories since she could hold a pencil. She has always dreamed of writing romance and sharing the “movies in her head” with the world. If she’s not writing, she’s reading -historical, paranormal, action, adventure -anything she can get her hands on that ends with a Happily Ever After!

If you are interested in receiving emails when new books are released, please sign up for her distribution list by visiting and clicking the newsletter tab.

Krystal Shannan Love and Destiny in all Realms

Author of

Chasing Sam: Vegas Mates Book 1 Amazon | Smashwords | & Others

Open House: Pool of Souls Book 1 Amazon | Smashwords | & Others

A Very Russian Christmas Amazon | Decadent | Smashwords | & Others


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About kittyb78

Catrina Barton is a licensed Kung-Fu Instructor of the Black Dragon style, and draws on that experience to make her fight scenes both realistic and action packed. She enjoys being surrounded by the stark beauty of mother nature. Whether it's a moon-lit starry sky, or a picnic by a peaceful waterfall cascading from the mountain side. Growing up no matter where she was physically, she always had at least one book in her hands and spent every free moment lost in a book. It's only natural that as she grew up, her passion for reading grew into an even stronger passion for writing, especially Young Adult Paranormal Romances. She is a proud member of many writing and marketing groups, and an active participant at Critique Circle and several other crit groups. Favorite personal quote: "An author cannot grow without both constructive criticism and encouragement."

2 responses »

  1. Thank you for hosting me today and for the nice review.

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